Autumn Assembly 2024 - Wednesday 30 October, Sheffield

The Autumn Assembly will take place on Wednesday 30 October in Victoria Hall, Sheffield.

This is a valuable opportunity to come together with many other worker co-operators from across the UK and put our heads together as members.

What would you like out of it?

Submit programme submissions below :arrow_down: Or thumbs up other suggestions.

Bear in mind that the lead-in time is short, so please make suggestions that are feasible in the time period we have. We particularly are looking for people or co-ops willing to run or co-run a session, offer training or a skill-share, or happy to facilitate a networking session.

Pop your ideas in the google doc.

If you’d like to participate in organising the event, particularly programming, join the Project group. The next Project group meeting is going to be Friday 20 September, 12-13.00


Thanks @samnord! I’ve added some thumbs and comments!

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Hey all some exciting news that two comrades are in Rebecca Kemble, ex president of USWFC and Adam Chern a worker at Union Cabs a huge taxi cooperative in Madison Wisconsin will be in town. I met them in the U.S a long time ago and have kept in touch with. They will be in England around the time of the autumn assembly visiting family in Manchester and when I told them about the Assembly they immediately moved their flights a day later so they can make it. I think it would be great to have a session on the early years of a worker cooperative federation as that is something Rebecca has experience of and also local cooperative networks as Madison’s Madworc was incredibly inspiring when I visited it and Adam did a tour of the cooperatives there. Let me know if that can be worked into the agenda!


I have added two sessions proposed to the proposal submission doc, I think one of them at least should beb around the making of a worker co-op fed and lessons from the early years.
Am I right int hinking the second session would be on solidarity economy principles? @seanfarmelo if you would be able to write a short description for that one that would be hefpul. At bottom of this doc. Autumn Assembly 2024 Programme submissions - Google Docs