Patio, the international network of technology cooperatives, hosts the weekly Coop Casual Conference on Thursdays. We have two slots for people in different time zones, at 08:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC.
We get together to take a break from our daily work and generate new ideas through cultural exchange. We can talk about shared experiences, common problems, best practices for worker cooperatives, and a variety of other topics.
You are welcome to come at any slot. Please note that a host usually waits 10 minutes for other participants. If you want to come later, please post in this thread.
Thank you Siôn, this is not even an exclusive cooperative meeting, we will welcome all people interested in cooperation, even if they are from regular companies. Of course, cooperative workers from non-technical fields are also welcome!
We will have another slot today, everyone is welcome! Lately we have been discussing data cooperatives that can benefit ordinary people, and how concepts from the hierarchical corporate world can influence the cooperative’s power balance and work dynamics.