Hey all,
Another Re-organise opportunity for co-ops.
Loughborough University’s School of Design and Creative Art invites worker co-operatives to partner with master’s students on a creative, problem-solving project from March to May 2025.
As an industry partner, the idea is provide two design briefs focused on digital user experiences (e.g., apps, websites, or service design) and collaborate with student teams to develop, solutions to problems for a co-op. Your co-ops involvement would include:
- 1-hour online briefing (late March 2025)
- 3 x 30-minute online check-ins (May 2025)
- 1-hour final presentation (late May 2025)
- Ongoing email communication with student teams
The reason Re-organise are trying to facilitate co-ops to engage in student projects like this isn’t just for practical benefits but in order to provide students a change to engage with democratic workplaces early in their academic careers. Hopefully this project is one with minimal time commitment.
Deadline for briefs: End of February 2025
Send me a message to let me know if you are planning to submit a brief as it would be good to know how many are coming from co-ops, and/ or Contact Dr Debra Lilley who is running the project (d.lilley@lboro.ac.uk) to get involved!
Here is the full pdf: Industry Project_Guidance for companies_2025