Launched in time to herald the UN Year of Co-ops 2025 , and mark the 180th anniversary of The Rochdale Pioneers, this much needed fund has been a couple of years in the making, with a substantial work contribution from our own Sion Whellens. Hopefully it will strengthen global co-operative resilience and progress social justice.


Glad it’s been created, I would be interested to hear more about the governance of it, how international co-ops will be brought onboard and how individuals could interact with it. I also interested in how it will be directed to support cooperatives - the first goal seems to be around disaster support which is good for co-ops to engage in but is often directed via huge NGO’s and very undemocratic.

Could also be cool to work out how to have the fund be self directed and not just led by major retailers as that also replicates the NGO development model a little.

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Yes, totally agree Sean. The fund will evolve as i understand it - just in its first phase right now - Sion W can expand on this - but our ( worker co-op) hope would be for it to become something more like Solid Fund - with individual members as well as grassroots co-ops signing up - moving it more towards social justice as opposed to charitable giving.

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