Request for international solidarity from Argentina’s Interrnational group will see what joint action we might design/offer through CICOPA >>

The right-wing government of Argentina recently announced several damaging moves to shutdown over 11,000 cooperatives in the country. Cooperators and workers in Argentina have been mobilizing to prevent these closures. Please sign this open letter, collaboratively written and endorsed by the International Workers’ Economy Gathering/Encuentro de la Economía de Las/Los Trabajadoras/es, in support of Argentina’s more than 24,000 cooperatives that have been providing good and decent jobs to tens of thousands of Argentines.


Centre for Learning, Social Economy & Work (CLSEW)

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education | University of Toronto (OISE/UT)

252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 1V6

Tel: (416) 978-0022 | Email:

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