Sheffield and South Yorkshire Socials

From 6pm on Tuesday 21st November 2023 we are going to have a evening at the Gardeners Rest a co-op owned pub in Neepsend, Sheffield, @DanHolden is going to come from Unicorn and perhaps combine it with an afternoon visit to Beanies and Lembas.

Then at, yet to be determined, date in the New Year @leedscath is going to organise a South Yorkshire social at A Commune in the North / Bentley Urban Farm / Twisted Skate Park.

Organising these events and calling in to Beanies and Lembas to get posters put up were the tasks I said I’d take on in the closing session of the gathering in Birmingham yesterday.


@samnord has posted an event for the Tuesday 21st November 2023 Sheffield workers co-op social on the main WordPress site:

Hi Chris, hope this went well, and apologies for not managing to get there myself.

Actually i reckon the January event could be Yorkshire-wide - would love to welcome worker co-operators from near and far to Doncaster Skate Co-op, with optional visit to Bentley Urban Farm.

All we have to do now is come up with the date… we’re on it, honest gov.

The visit to Beanies went well:

And so did the visit to Lembas, sorry I forgot to take any photos there, we also visited Principle 5, The Yorkshire Co-operative Resource Centre:

One of the workers from Lembas came to The Gardeners Rest, where we had an upstairs meeting room and also two people from Principle 5, one from Suma and two of the main people behind Sheffield Live!, which is a community co-op TV and radio station came and we had a decent discussion.

I was speaking to someone on Saturday night who will be on for the event in Doncaster, looking forward to it, whenever it is!

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Aaaand the date is… Wed 7th Feb, 5-8pm
for a Yorkshire-wide get together of worker co-operators
Doncaster Skate Co-op, Unit 3 Marsh Gate, DONCASTER DN5 8AF
(Ample parking and a 15min walk from Doncaster station.)

All welcome - bring veggie/vegan food to share, or order from the vegan cafe.

5pm - come early for mingling and touring the skatepark site, or having a little skate if you so wish
6ish - bite to eat, bit to drink
6.30 - hang out in a slightly quieter part of the building, tell each other about our co-ops and think about how we can help each other (Principle Six session, co-operation between co-operatives)

Mostly level access apart from the main door threshold, quite a noisy environment, wear warm clothes.

Contact if you have any questions or just to let us know you’re coming. cheers.

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Link to the event if anyone wants to share it!


thanks so much @samnord

Are you in South Yorkshire or Leeds? Following a Sheffield meetup in November last year and a Doncaster meetup in February, we are looking for some willing co-operators to help host or co-organise a meetup in the South Yorkshire region this spring or summer, preferably Leeds.

We possibly have some funding for some time/venue costs via Member Learning peer network budget, we also have co-ops and cooperators willing to attend and help (@chris @leedscath @mattofyorkcollective, SUMA, @Buncey?). Also we have a new member to invite (@Leeds Bike Mill), a potential venue (Wharf Chambers), we just need someone to bottom line it and most importantly make sure it is well promoted and well attended. :slight_smile:

(Please feel free to share this call-out further)


I’ll do my best to attend and can let some people in Sheffield know about it and potentially share a train ride with people from Sheffield, I guess the main people who might attend are workers in Leeds based worker co-ops, the two co-ops that immediately spring to mind are Leeds Bread Co-op and Footprint, are either of them members of

Leeds Bread Co-op are not members, Footprint are. Leeds Bike Mill are a new member!
That’s great Chris, I’m going to put a call-out in the Newsletter as @leedscath is also interested we just ideally want one or a few people to drive the meetup and promote it.

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We have done them before at this worker co-op venue in Leeds, so worth doing there again and trying to get them into membership as well!

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Mark from Leeds Bike Mill (at least I assume it was him based on the attendance sheet) told me at the WCW that he would be on for helping organise a meeting / social, I have dropped him a email and copied you in.