We are restructuring our approach to strategic planning and delivering work, this will mean changes to some of our working groups.

A separate communication will go about that at a later date. But this announcement is about one of the new “Strategy Groups” called “Co-operative Support and Development”.

We already had a member learning group, so this new group is an evolution of that one, expanding its focus and inviting new people to get involved.

The draft purpose is below, so if you are interested in helping us deliver against this sort of purpose you are welcome to attend, or just observe, this preliminary meeting.

The meeting will be online on Thurs 25th April 13.30 - 15.00 Launch Meeting - Zoom email me if you want a calender invite, or just turn-up.

Draft Purpose:
To be a member led space creating and delivering our co-operative support and development mission:

  • Providing access to coop support services and specialist training
  • Providing networking opportunities
  • Supporting coops to identify and develop new trading and development opportunities
  • Providing opportunities for those interested in cooperatives to connect to and learn from existing work coops
  • Providing guidance and support for starting, converting to or growing working coops

Draft Domains

  • Responsible for creating our co-operative support and development strategy and work plan based on the overall strategy and budget set by
  • Oversee the delivery of this strategy and work plan through commissioning projects
  • Create a safe and genuinely egalitarian culture and space for supporters and worker members to explore, decide and oversee our strategy and delivery of work.