Cutting and pasting these below. I have checked about the equalities/diversity consultancy, and they can put forward a UK proposal to their funder if they’re better qualified than an EU/ESF+ based candidate.
From: Francesca ZAGANELLI CECOP <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 2:48 PM
To: CECOP <>
Subject: New job vacancies and gender diversity/inclusion consultancy job
Importance: High
Dear CECOP members
I am sharing with you information concerning 2 job vacancies and 1 consultancy job openings in CECOP that I kindly ask you to share with whoever you think might be interested.
Job vacancies
We have two new open positions in CECOP and CICOPA, one for an advocacy advisor (CECOP) and one for a communication officer (CICOPA).
You might find more information here: CECOP
As the case for the rest of the staff, both positions will be active in CECOP and CICOPA.
The candidate must have a valid work permit for Belgium or be an EU national.
Deadline to apply: 20 August 2023
Consultant/Expert Gender diversity/inclusion
Today we also published a call for an external expert on gender diversity and inclusion to help CECOP develop a gender diversity/inclusion policy. This is not a permanent position but a temporary consultant position for 2023.
You might find more information here: CECOP
This consultancy service is funded by the European Union. The selected candidate must be based in one of the EU countries or in one of the third countries participating in ESF+.
Deadline to apply: 10 September 2023
We highly encourage applications from the cooperative movement. Do not hesitate to share this email within your network.
Also, do not hesitate to share it on your socials, all the vacancies have been published on our Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.
Thank you,
Francesca Zaganelli
Membership Coordinator
The European Confederation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives
Avenue Milcamps 105, 1030 Brussels
✆ +32 27 42 10 27