Difficulty finding the SIGN UP button on workers.coop

Just a bit of feedback on the website. I was sending out some emails to prospective members and when I was trying to find the “sign up” button I didn’t find it particularly intuitive or obvious where it was.

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ditto just now, cath

There is a Button ‘Join Us’ top right

Thx, are you access via mobile? on a PC there is I hope a fairly obvious “join us” Black Button on the top right, as well as primary menu item “membership”.

But I haven’t done any proper user research to see what people are actually looking at or doing.

The menu is collapsed by default on a mobile, I’d suggest adding some text containing a “join us” hyperlink to the body of the front page and perhaps also to others, I suspect that people only tend to look for a navigation menu if they can’t immediately see what they are looking for in the body of a page.

See what you mean, i’ve passed on to the web designers to see if we can make it more obvious on mobile. Thx for feedback

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This is basically what I meant, but it seems I wasn’t very clear

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Few minor things -

  1. would be good to have the registration number on the about us page or in the website footer.
  2. at the bottom of homepage, where there is a link to the newsletter it has an active link to the twitter which I think we agreed to take down.
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:+1: it’s a legal requirement to have the Registered name, Registered Office address and registration number somewhere on the website. Amazing how many web designers don’t know this.

Hiya, thanks for this. Update is wep we agreed in the Comms wg meeting in December to move to BlueSky and have a period up to March where we are on both. It’s in my list of things to do, I’ve got some time allocated this week for Comms AP’s but it might take me a little longer to complete this task. We’re also going to create a worker co-op starter pack for BlueSky (last I checked there wasn’t one, assuming there still is a need) to make switching easier for co-ops.

Thanks, got this on the list of website updates to do. I’m not confident I am able to edit the bottom of the website but will give it a go. We want to add a link to the complaints/policies in NextCloud and the logo for the Intl Year of Co-ops as well.

And finally Comms working group is currently reviewing website copy. We’re looking at slightly changing the Sign Up/Join Us buttons to make it clearer and easier.

If anyone has any feedback about what is written on the website, or what info you feel is missing, respond here and we’ll take it on board for the next Comms meeting mid-Feb.

  1. The joining page needs this declaration:
    We agree to be bound by the Registered Rules of workers.coop Limited.
    There also needs to be a link to a PDF of the Registered Rules on that page (that opens in a fresh window).

  2. There doesn’t appear to be the Registered number and Registered office address on the website (I looked in the obvious places and did a an online search). I have flagged this at least once (possibly more times) before. This is a legal requirement. See wording below.
    It could be at the bottom of the About Us page or on the Contact page.
    “workers.coop Limited is a Co-operative Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration Number: 4981. Registered Office: 63 Rakewood Road, Littleborough OL15 0AP”

Thanks Nathan!
Yes sorry if it wasn’t clear, in response to your December post that I saw, the Comms group in the Jan meeting have this noted and it’s in the list of website updates to do. There’s a bit of a backlog and limited time but I working on it… I will prioritise this particular AP above other website updates.

Unless anyone else from the DIG working group can do this sooner @chris @Graham @liam etc.

If I understand correctly, the membership application form at Apply for membership - workers.coop - which Nathan refers to as ‘the joining page’ needs to include the declaration and make clear that by submitting the form the org is agreeing. And to include a link to a PDF of the rules. If someone can provide a link to said PDF?

Personally I’d put the registered address etc in the footer so that it’s visible across the site.

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Reg office blurb now in place in the footer.


Blurb about submitting to the rules, and a link to a PDF of the rules, now added.


BTW the social media icons are overlaid on top the Membership link in the footer for Firefox users:

Perhaps simply delete this box of corporate icons? :person_shrugging:

I’m not seeing that issue in Firefox. Are you getting this on every page load?